Thursday, June 13, 2019


Gynecomastia stands for "breast development in men" or "male breasts." This can occur at the level of one or both breasts. A hormonal imbalance often lies at the origin of this condition. In addition, the condition usually has a major psychological impact on men, resulting in pronounced complexes.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

How Much Does Gynecomastia Surgery Cost?

Gynecomastia (breast formation in men) is fairly common. Men are often ashamed of it and it may even be a reason not to exercise, swim or take off your shirt on the beach. Fortunately, something can be done about it: with liposculpture, the removal of glandular tissue or a combination of both, you get a normal, masculine silhouette again.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Faster Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery


You will be given painkillers (paracetamol) on discharge. After extensive resections, a drain is usually placed for 24 hours to remove excess fluid and blood. Wearing a chest strap for 2 weeks postoperatively is recommended to promote swelling. Ice applications are also recommended for a few days. A checkup consultation is provided 2 weeks and 3 months after the gynecomastia.

Surgery By Best Gynecomastia Surgeon

During the consultation, your health and the possible use of medication will be examined. If you use blood-thinning medicines such as Marcoumar or other coumarin preparations, it is certainly important that you report this during the first consultation. This is necessary because, with the permission of the prescribing doctor, you should stop taking these medicines before treatment. Your wishes and expectations are discussed in detail during the consultation. We will indicate whether these wishes and expectations are realistic and whether the gynecomastia treatment can meet those expectations.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Possible post-pain and recovery

Everyone experiences pain differently. The sensitivity after a gynecomastia (breast formation in men) treatment will therefore also be different for everyone. The tumescent fluid that was introduced at the start of treatment will continue to have its narcotic effect for a few hours after treatment. The first night after the gynecomastia treatment you will therefore have virtually no pain. Any inconveniences caused by swelling (bruises and stiffness) after the treatment can easily be treated with a light painkiller such as acetaminophen.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Are All Men Growing Breasts Actually A Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is the medical name for male breast development. Just like the woman, the man has mammary gland tissue. This can develop excessively in men, resulting in an aesthetically disturbing condition, often with psychological repercussions.

Complete Information On Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia (breast formation in men)

A problem that occurs fairly frequently in men is breast formation, and although it is common it is generally experienced as very embarrassing. Gynecomastia (breast formation in men) is sometimes, in puberty, visible in young men but can also disappear spontaneously.

After puberty, gynecomastia (breast formation in men) can be persistent and become a serious problem. Sports, sauna visits, etc. often stand in the way. What many men do not know about gynecomastia (breast formation in men) is that there is something that can be done about it! The treatment generally consists of 2 parts: the subcutaneous removal of the glandular tissue and the removal of excess fat via liposuction. The use of liposuction alone may be sufficient if there is no excess glandular tissue present.

What Is Gynecomastia Liposuction?

Are you a man and do you have unusual breast formation? Then read on!

Not only women come to our clinic for breast surgery. More and more men are also coming for a breast correction. Often it is about unwanted breast formation and that can result in both physical and mental complaints.

Breast formation in men, also known as gynecomastia, is caused by swelling of the mammary gland. The occurrence of these swellings can have various causes.

Gynecomastia Treatment Without Surgery

Gynecomastia treatment

Usually it is not necessary to treat gynecomastia. In the vast majority of cases, normal gynecomastia disappears automatically in newborns and boys during puberty. At an older age, there are usually only external effects and there are no complications. If the breasts do not regain their normal size or if the breasts remain aesthetically unacceptably large, surgical breast correction is possible. 

In the case of abnormal gynecomastia, the underlying condition must be treated. In the case of breast cancer , the affected breast must be removed.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Common Drugs Causing Gynecomastia In Males

Breast cancer is not just a woman's disease. With men it is rare, about 100 men get breast cancer every year in the Netherlands. Of all breast cancer patients, 1 in 150 is male. For men it mainly occurs in the age category 60-84 years, for women it is between 50 and 70 years. Young men with breast cancer are very rare. Another word for breast cancer is breast cancer.

What Is Pseudogynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is the medical term for the development of the breast (s) in men. In boys during puberty it often happens that the mammary glands swell under the influence of the hormone estrogen. The mammary glands can also swell due to an underlying condition.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Hide Male Breast With Gynecomastia Vest

There are many types of alternative treatments. Nearly half of the people with a rheumatic disorder choose an alternative treatment in addition to regular treatment. Another term for alternative treatments is 'complementary treatment' because they are a supplement to the regular 'regular' treatment.

Some people with a form of rheumatism experience a positive effect from the alternative treatment. Always consult your treating physician first before you start an alternative treatment because some treatments can affect your regular treatment. Consider, for example, nutritional supplements

Fastest Way To Lose Man Boobs

Will my breast grow again after the operation?

The breast consists largely of fat. When you arrive, the breast will also grow. If glandular tissue is removed during the gynecomastia surgery, there is no chance that the breast will become bigger again.

When can I start working again?

With light physical work such as administrative work, you can get back to work after two days. If you carry out physically demanding work, you must rest for two to four weeks.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Does Mild Gynecomastia Goes Away Easily?

Recovery after breast reduction surgery

How quickly you recover after the gynecomastia treatment depends on the type of breast correction and your body's response to the procedure. You need an average of two weeks to fully recover. After approximately two weeks you will return to our clinic to check the end result.

The first week after the correction the breast will be sensitive and the swelling will increase further. After about a week it will subside automatically. This natural body response is nothing to worry about. If you experience pain, we advise you to use acetaminophen.

What is Gynecomastia?

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is the development of abnormally high breast tissue in men due to an unbalanced level of hormones in puberty. There are different forms of breast formation in men. For example, there may be excess glandular tissue, fatty tissue or a skin surplus. Gynecomastia is caused by physical and non-physical causes. Factors such as heredity, hormone management or medication play a role in this.

Friday, February 22, 2019


Gynecomastia is a medical term for breast formation in men. Not much is said about it, but it happens regularly. Breast formation may be caused by an enlarged gland disc, excess skin, excess fat or a non-physical cause. However, one thing is certain: in many cases breast formation leads to great uncertainty in men. 

 If you feel insecure due to gynecomastia, breast reduction is a good solution. The excess fat tissue is removed during this breast reduction operation.

Our plastic surgeons are affiliated with the NVPC and NVEPCYears of experience in the field of gynecomastiaPersonal interview with the plastic surgeon you are going to treatExtensive consultation

Saturday, February 9, 2019


David Dadson is a health and fitness enthusiast and trainer who has been helping people fight their obesity, fitness and gynecomastia related issues  since 2012.